Working from the inside
If you knew in 1 year you would be exactly where you are today, would you considering looking ‘inside’?
Do you wake up every day with enthusiasm, a positive attitude and an energetic drive?
Or, do you sometimes feel a twinge from your subconscious, a quiet voice telling you that this isn’t as good as it gets.
Are your living with a symptom of midlife crisis or are your dreams starting to fade?
“‘The Poetry of Business’ will help you discover what you really want.”

It’s terrific, I am really enjoying it.
When I first picked up The Poetry of Business, I didn’t know what to expect. But on my initial flip through I became more intrigued by its depth and content.
The Poetry of Business is a book about life moments, captured in Tracy’s varied style of poetry. From playful, to serious, to spiritual, to thought provoking, I found myself experiencing a wide array of emotions.
Tracy selected business as her first release because she has been an entrepreneur for almost 20 years, and realized it is where many of us spend a large majority of our time.
She takes sound business and life advice, and sometimes comical business blunders, and turns them into various types of poetry, all the while teaching us.
The Poetry of Business is funny, insightful, easy-to-read, and uniquely structured.
I definitely recommend picking it up.
(**source Regina Weese Magazine)
From: Tracy Lynn Repchuk
Thursday July 12, 2018
Dear fellow associate,
After twenty years as an entrepreneur, mother, wife, and everything else in between, I started to witness a trend that slowly took away dreams, desires, and personal satisfaction, in myself, my friends, family, co-workers, everyone.
In a world of complete abundance, what allows one person to have it all, while others struggle every day?
It’s time to ask yourself What do you really want?
More money? How much? Travel? Where? To be an equal? What for? More clarity in your decision making? Better hours? Inner peace? Better relationship? Harmony? Be appreciated? Better health? More balance? Greater confidence? Peer recognition? A better job? Better position? Stay at home and raise the kids? Less stress? More control of your life? To know who you really are? Just to be happy?
Life seems to offer nothing but questions, and then it hit me. One of the biggest dilemmas we face seems to be finding a career that gives us the lifestyle and purpose we always dreamed possible.
You know what I’m talking about. A career where you do what you want, when you want, and have it feel like play!
I wanted to take my life from the ordinary to the extraordinary so I wrote “The Poetry of Business” to open doors, remove barriers, and unlock your destiny.
Nicole, Vancouver, B.C.
This book is great reading when my self-employed “work” becomes overwhelming. A few minutes reading some of the poems reduces my stress, and makes it clear why I work for myself. Thanks for the grounding.
If you’re not completely satisfied with the poetry, insights, author moments, or illustrations, I’ll give back your money and send you three bonus reports just for trying! You’ll automatically receive: Workbook for Success, How to get a Job, and Land the job that’s right for you, and they’re all yours to keep.
You will remember that once upon a time you had faith, hope, dreams, goals, and a life purpose.
You’re going to rediscover your passion, and get back the life you were meant to have.
You’ll learn when you started to lose sight of what you wanted, to the point you completely abandoned it.
Most importantly, you’ll understand how to get it back!
Maurice, Victoria, BC,
The Poetry of business is like nothing you have ever read before. I really enjoyed the humorous illustrations, and how they related to each poem. There are also lots of interesting poetry tidbits in each chapter, enough to inspire me to attempt writing my own poetry.
It’s time to do something for yourself!
I graduated from Sheridan College’s Business Computer Systems with honours
Before I even graduated I juggled school and became an entrepreneur by starting Bravo Software Group in 1985 at the age of 20 and through recessions, DOT COM fiascos and industry slumps, we survived, and I learned amazing techniques along the way on how to balance life, become a success, and be recognized for your work.
Throughout my career as I wore every hat from president to cleaning staff, I discovered the importance of every task with a mere shift of my perceptions, and from that flexibility, learned how to recognize where I was most myself, most happiest.
As a mom I had to balance and survive through a miscarriage, diapers, feedings and labour, as my children were born exactly one year apart in the same month of June. I had to become a scheduling genius.
I and the company survived a business partner break-up, a marriage break-up, and a stock market crash where I was heavily invested, all in the same year.
I attended McMaster University, earned my Certified Management Accountants designation, studied job satisfaction motivation research, team esteem building activities and icebreakers, and midlife crisis signs, while becoming the youngest person, never mind woman, elected to the Provincial Board of Governors.
My software product RemoteDesk won awards
In 1992 I was nominated for Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year,
In 2001 I was honoured with a volunteer award from the province of Ontario
In 2003 I was honoured with the Chamber of Commerce Business Woman of the Year nomination.
I traveled the world, South Africa, UK, USA, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and more, expanding my knowledge, in search of answers, promoting the company, and learning how to include children in that element so that they could be with me, making sure not to sacrifice the family unit for business. As a result, I created a TV pilot called Luggage Lizards which is a family based educational program that helps parents plan exciting vacations for the WHOLE family, adding script writing and TV appearances to my skill set.
In addition to my busy schedule, I volunteer my services to many organizations such as the Fine Arts Society of Milton, Arts Milton, Burlington Art Centre, Flamborough Studio Tour, Quills Poetry Magazine, the Kilbride Soccer Association and I am a Volunteer Minister.
Get started
You wouldn’t have thought I’d be screaming –
“GOD, help me find a better job”, but I was.
Chapter 1: So this is my Career
Each chapter in The Poetry of Business takes you through the progressive cycle of your career, from your first resume, through your midlife crisis, to your ideal scene, the place where you picture yourself in your destined career. Finally fulfilling your calling.
So let’s get you started. We will take a sneak preview of some insight questions from the book. You can enter responses to the questions as you read, and at the end, either when you order the book, or at the end when you have completed answering all of the questions, I will email you your completed form. This will help you take the next steps, whatever they may be.
You can become the author of your life.
What’s working in your life?
For each of us, some things are working, some aren’t.
The things that aren’t often take large amounts of our thought, often smothering the good stuff. It rolls around trying to solve itself, with no real direction. Take a moment to celebrate all of those things you feel great about, wouldn’t change, successes. These are your victories. You want to remove and separate these so they don’t get lumped in with the other stuff. This creates stress and anxiety and you feel like ‘nothing’ is working, and get overwhelmed, even when that isn’t true.
Finally say good-bye to stress!
Anxiety is a state of uneasiness and apprehension, such as your future. Stress can be anything that stimulates your reaction to anxiety and external pressures. Stimulation is necessary as it enhances your performance and without it, life would be incredibly dull and boring. But too much, becomes tiring, and damages your health and ability to function. We keep our bodies on such high anxiety because we lose our ability to decide what we really want, and then go for it.
Chapter 2: Wishful Agenda
Even when you are at the top of your game, there often seems to be something missing.
Components – healthy lifestyle; from dreams of money, love, family, happiness, joy, passion, desire, energy, gratitude, inspiration, or a sense of belonging to something bigger than ourselves.
Sometimes we can’t even identify what’s missing. Your work is boring, but your home life is great, or vice-versa. You want a special someone in your life, kids, you’re just recovering from a failed relationship, whatever it is, let’s get it all out in the open. Let’s get rid of ANYTHING that is causing you stress.
What’s not working in your life?
From the surface, when I examined my life everything seemed great, but there was this white elephant I couldn’t put my finger on. I had the house, kids, husband, career, spiritual core, but I never imagined after close examination, that I didn’t like what I was doing as a career.
If you keep doing exactly what you’re doing now, where will you be in 5 years?
Somewhere along the way, we are trained that to have something, means you have to sacrifice something else to get it.
We are all granted completed abundance. Scarcity is created by self, media, TV, politics, and we are taught to save, hold on, be safe, watch our step, be careful, slow down, and with every step further away from the concept of abundance, we are forced to make choices.
Decision making has become an arduous task when you constantly consider the sacrifices. It bogs you down to the point where you become halted in your own progress. Terrified of making the wrong decision. Like a deer trapped in the headlights. Decisions FEEL like sacrifices. If I buy this book, what will I have to give up? If I take this new job, what will I have to give up? If I change my career entirely, what do I have to give up?
Chapter 3: Day In Day Out
My Day In and Day Out had become automatic. How can we be happy when we run on autopilot? I researched everything from topics such as; nine career success strategies, spirituality psychology angels, what type of job is right for me, jobs for right brainers, and I realized that I would get drawn back into my old habits, doubt would move in, and I would remain with the career I already had, which let’s face it, was paying the bills.
My brother, by the time he turned 50 had built an empire he was proud of. Perfect job – he got to travel around the world, all expenses paid, and the points he earned paid for luxury vacations anywhere for him and his wife. Beautiful home, 142 acre cottage on the Cabot Trail, daughter, grandkids (even though he had just turned 50), uncle, lifestyle of the rich and famous. We envied him.
In a mere two minutes his life had completely changed.
He was riding his motorcycle on a beautiful August afternoon, and hit something in the road and it threw him over top of his bike. He ended up hitting a fence post, breaking his back, ribs, knee and right arm. In short, the accident put him in a wheel chair for life. Now hindsight is 20/20, but we could see that there was something ‘missing’, but were unable to put our finger on it. I’m sure over the next few months, when all he has is time and his thoughts, it will start to reveal itself.
Is that what it takes to get us to think?
Does it take another Enya tribute to 9/11 victims to get us to wake up!
What would you do if your life completely changed in the next 2 minutes? By asking yourself questions now, you can avoid possible catastrophes which make us finally stop and think. A heart attack, stroke, cancer, death of a family member or friend, injury, wouldn’t you rather take some time now, before it happens to you?
If you could change 3 things about your career, what would they be?
What is one thing you could do right now to change any of those from above?
I looked at my answers, and I said “What am I waiting for?” Does a brick need to fall on my head? And this was even before my brother’s accident! I can’t tell you how much more I cherish my time, and the way I spend it. So I spend at least 5 minutes to get one step closer everyday. I send a message, if even just to myself, that I am going to fulfill my destiny, and answer my true calling.
When you step back from yourself, away from routine, out of your present situation and examine it from the outside, it allows you to see your true reality. When you’re directly in the daily grind, we become the effect of everything, not the cause of it.
So what causes us to use so little of our potential?
Eliminate your self-imposed limits
Because my identity and company were so intimately connected, once I started to redirect my energies, I barely knew who I was anymore, but I did know that it was time to break the mold I had become. Just by setting in motion the intention that I wanted something more, I started to feel differently, think differently, see the possibilities, and woke up! If you’ve ever seen the movie “The Matrix”, that’s what it was like. Your life is very different than the perception of it.
Chapter 4: The Entrepreneur
We are all the entrepreneurs of our life. An entrepreneur is a person who attempts to make a profit by risk and initiative. Entrepreneurship, are you ready?
Use your initiative, and figure out what would make you happy? We aren’t meant to sit around on the beach and sip margaritas. We’re not meant to be turned into machines, or use pills to make us happy. We aren’t meant to work hard so we can one day retire.
We’re productive beings capable of getting anything we want.
What calls to you, makes you giddy, gives you purpose?
What is stopping you from having them right now?
Put on your authors’ hat, and write your ideal lifestyle
When you think about being the author of your own lifestyle, does that excite or scare you? Did you write furiously, your dream life spilling from every pore, or did you sit in haze of self-denial about wanting anything different than what you have right now? Have you settled for this lifestyle? Have you settled for this job? Do you figure you’ll wait for retirement to do what you want? When you answered and read it, did it feel like your dream, or something you have been saying, hearing or parroting for as long as you can remember?
Take the steps towards your destiny
Chapter 4: The Entrepreneur
We are all the entrepreneurs of our life. An entrepreneur is a person who attempts to make a profit by risk and initiative. Entrepreneurship, are you ready?
Use your initiative, and figure out what would make you happy? We aren’t meant to sit around on the beach and sip margaritas. We’re not meant to be turned into machines, or use pills to make us happy. We aren’t meant to work hard so we can one day retire.
We’re productive beings capable of getting anything we want.
What calls to you, makes you giddy, gives you purpose?
What is stopping you from having them right now?
Put on your authors’ hat, and write your ideal lifestyle
When you think about being the author of your own lifestyle, does that excite or scare you? Did you write furiously, your dream life spilling from every pore, or did you sit in haze of self-denial about wanting anything different than what you have right now? Have you settled for this lifestyle? Have you settled for this job? Do you figure you’ll wait for retirement to do what you want? When you answered and read it, did it feel like your dream, or something you have been saying, hearing or parroting for as long as you can remember?
Take the steps towards your destiny
I was so ready for a change in my career, I almost walked away from my successful software company because I thought it was the root to all my dissatisfaction. Symptoms of mid life crisis in men strikes because at some point when you take stock of your life, most of us aren’t really happy. So we buy a sports car, or a motorcycle, or have an affair, or work out 6 days a week. Instead of being drastic, once you start adding just 5 minutes a day on an activity that moves you closer to what you really want to do, it shifts the energy around you, and opens up new doors when you’re ready.
Chapter 5: The Perks
Aren’t perks great? We love to get stuff for free. What we don’t realize, is that perks can come at a cost. Do you know why perks exist? Because we need something, anything that will stop us from taking a look at what our life is really like. It must be great, I just got a bonus. I get to eat at restaurants on the company tab. I just got back from a conference in Las Vegas. I get stock options.
And the mother of all perks, I get 2 weeks with pay!
Perks are put in place to control us.
What perks are keeping you where you are?
What perks would you create for your ideal life? Do they match?
We are the entrepreneurs, the authors of our own lives, why do we need someone to grant us perks, bonuses, or benefits? We can grant them to ourselves, and when you do, it probably will be much better than what you’re getting now. We live in a unlimited and abundant world, 2 weeks with pay, heck I want 20 weeks with pay.
Shatter your barriers!
There are people called Merchants of Chaos. They go through life like Henny Penny with shouts that “The Sky is Falling”. Politicians, newspapers, TV, bombarding us with information about our demise, and as a result, we get confused about what is important, what is worth doing, or being, or having.
Chapter 5: The Perks
Aren’t perks great? We love to get stuff for free. What we don’t realize, is that perks can come at a cost. Do you know why perks exist? Because we need something, anything that will stop us from taking a look at what our life is really like. It must be great, I just got a bonus. I get to eat at restaurants on the company tab. I just got back from a conference in Las Vegas. I get stock options.
And the mother of all perks, I get 2 weeks with pay!
Perks are put in place to control us.
What perks are keeping you where you are?
What perks would you create for your ideal life? Do they match?
We are the entrepreneurs, the authors of our own lives, why do we need someone to grant us perks, bonuses, or benefits? We can grant them to ourselves, and when you do, it probably will be much better than what you’re getting now. We live in a unlimited and abundant world, 2 weeks with pay, heck I want 20 weeks with pay.
Shatter your barriers!
There are people called Merchants of Chaos. They go through life like Henny Penny with shouts that “The Sky is Falling”. Politicians, newspapers, TV, bombarding us with information about our demise, and as a result, we get confused about what is important, what is worth doing, or being, or having.
Chapter 6: Can I retire yet?
How many people are working for their retirement? If you are working with thoughts of “I can’t wait until I retire”, you aren’t happy! What happens to 80% of the people when they retire? A few finally take advantage of the freedom, and do what they REALLY want. But many have lost the ability to think, dream, or even remember what it is they wanted to do when they actually got to retire.
Retire is defined as to give up office or work especially through age; go away or withdraw; go to bed. Not quite the picture that is in your head is it? Retirement is a false reality, something you are trained to work for. It’s your reward, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. How many retired people tell you that’s true? For those that managed to break out of the automaticity of their lives and get their rewards, they are among the few. Downsizing, identity crisis, failing health, a complete and utter apathy for life is what most people face.
Continuing on your current path, what does your retirement picture look like?
What does your ‘dream’ retirement look like?
Why wait 3/4 of your life for the chance of real purpose. Do you want to gamble your life away for a shot at something different when you get there? What is about to happen that is so magical when you retire, that it will change everything? Whatever it is, who told you to wait to get it?
Stop working towards your next vacation, buying more stuff than you need, or wondering about a retirement home, how to select it.
This is your life, take it back!
Chapter 7: The Way it Should be
If your work seemed like play, would you want to stop it when you got older? When you become inactive, your body and mind decays. Life is about living the way you want to live, RIGHT NOW! Who taught you the rules of life? Remember when you asked questions as a child, more often than not you weren’t told the answer at all. “Not now, I’m busy.”, “Don’t ask such stupid questions”, “You’ll find out when you’re older.” We aren’t taught how to live, we are taught how to comply.
What did you want to be when you were young?
What do you want to really be doing as a career? Be specific.
The way it should be speaks volumes. It didn’t come before “Can I retire yet”, because we don’t really want to retire/go to bed, we are searching for what we think retirement is going to give us. If retirement is meant to be the golden handshake, why do we spend most of our workin career putting money away for it? We assume we have something to hope for and it keeps us working for when we have to stop working. Grinding, waiting, hoping, we carry on. But the way it should be, is for now!
You should be living the essence of retirement, now. If you aren’t, you may not be fulfilling your destiny. When you are completely on purpose, you feel happy, energized, full of life. You can spot these people a mile away. The bounce in their step, the look on their face, it’s called being at peace with yourself. I want this for everyone!
The Poetry of Business takes you from your first resume, through your mid-life crisis, to retirement and beyond, so that no matter where you are within the progressive cycle of your career, you will know by the final chapter where you want to be!
It’s your turn to reap riches and rewards beyond your wildest imagination!
I’ll take you back to a time when all your dreams were your own. Before parents, siblings, teachers, guidance counsellors, society and family start to determine your life for you.
I’ll show you how to identify and take advantage of gut reactions that will maximize your potential and eliminate doubt
You’ll learn how to shatter barriers to your abundance of money, time, health, age, physical body, mental acuity, spiritual connectivity, and relationships, until they all align to give you the satisfaction you deserve, and the life you have always dreamed of.
Get what you deserve!
You’ll gain the freedom to open up your mind and select the best opportunities for your path to accelerate your outcome.
For example, in my life as opportunities started to present themselves to me, instead of saying No, I started saying Yes to everything. And every step I took lead me closer to my ultimate goal. I was asked to become the National Coordinator for a Poetry Association, and even though the volunteer work was extensive, it provided me with insights, lessons, and the motivation to realize what a National organization needed to be. It built me up for the next ultimate step towards my destiny.
Trust your intuition beyond proof to a universal force so accurate, you’ll feel like the luckiest person alive.
For me, if I got excited about something that I heard about, instead of putting up the usual barriers such as proof, reasoning, logic and references, I started to listen to my body. Decision making became easier, stress was eliminated, life became more calm. So when I was offered a chance to do a book tour at various Chapters and Indigo locations, I didn’t worry about public speaking, traveling, or the cost, I knew another step towards my destiny was there, and I took it. As a result, I made a very big impression on the poetry scene, in a very short time! Something that would impact greatly the success of the Canadian Federation of Poets.
Awaken your enthusiasm and build your own life
Remember when you were enthusiastic about something, how easy it was to do. If you have kids, you can still see it in them. Ask them “Want to rake the leaves?” Then ask them “Want to jump in a pile of raked leaves?” The raking will happen, but it will be fun. Most of us have had decades of definitions and words interpreted in ways that make life boring, difficult, and monotonous. Words are magic, and when presented in the correct light, can change who you are, who you think you are, and who you want to be.
Rediscover your desires!
I was so frustrated. I may have had what I wanted, but it never felt like I was doing what I was supposed to be. For many real dreams were flushed down a toilet, sacrificed for the sake of the family and buried so deep you didn’t think you ever had any.
Once you unlock your core desires, it will ignite your passion and attract opportunities and elements of fulfillment will start to materialize.
In my case, once I realized I wanted to be a writer, I said “I am a writer”. This sent a sense of purpose through my body. I felt like a kid again, happy, carefree, able to conquer anything. People saw the change in me. And I started to write. And from that came a book, awards, and recognition. And from that, came my deeper purpose and sense of ultimate fulfillment.
Gain the respect, harmony and balance to co-create the ultimate life
Imagine my delight when I started doing what made me happy, that along with it came the power and realization that I truly do control my own destiny. I am the author, the screenwriter, the director, the producer and the starring role of my life. It was only natural that once I respected myself, others did too. I didn’t have to struggle for balance, balance just was. Harmony comes when you are satisfied with all the elements of your existence, so I decided that for each part of my journey, I would rejoice in the accomplishments along the way. It wasn’t a run for the prize, it was an every day experience of knowing I was on purpose.
Daniel G. Weist, President, Weist & Associates Inc., Oakville, ON
The Poetry of Business was an absolute eye-opener. Since starting my own business, time is a much more precious commodity, but the time devoted to the book was exceptionally well spent. For anyone who has ever had to balance life and business, this book is simply good for the soul. Its thought-provoking and relevant to what we all go through, whether self-employed or working for someone else.
Tracy has keen insights into the corporate world, and is able to express that understanding through poetry. I felt like she was speaking to me personally about my struggles, my success and the juggling we all do. When I hit Bored Room, thats when I realized you were speaking to me directly.
Just get the book: enjoy it, learn from it, and appreciate some fine poetry in the process.
You can make it happen!
This is why you need to venture back to your childhood and examine
“What did you want to be?” This is where the real answers lie.
Dreams of becoming a vet, nurse, writer, pilot. I am sure the list was endless. When there was nothing stopping you, where did your dreams take you?
Discovery: On my journey, I recalled being the happiest when I was writing.
Limit: Everyone told me you can’t make money as a poet.
Attitude: I decided it was time to find out for myself.
Desire: With the passion to succeed as a writer and poet reignited I set out to make the biggest impact possible, in the shortest time. Once I discovered what I really wanted, I RAN to my dream!
Became founder and president of the Canadian Federation of Poets – an organization dedicated to uniting people and organizations from around the world in the global promotion of poetry and poets. I became deemed Canada’s Ambassador of Poetry.
Started promoting the importance of poetry to schools and youth, and added FREE membership to youth ages 15 years of age or less. This paved the way making sure my kids continued to be involved in what I do at reading events, as on-line forum moderators, and in building their self-esteem.
Got elected as the National Coordinator for a National Poetry Association, and became a contributing editor to Quills Poetry Magazine and Regina Weese magazine.
Created Poetry Canada magazine which became an instant success with poets, artists, and photographers.
From the thousands of submissions for Poetry Canada magazine, from the kids who became confident speaking their own words, to an on-line community of active poets, I started to understand and appreciate what poetry can really do for a person.
From the feedback I was getting, I knew I had to provide this knowledge to as many people as possible.
Stop running towards your retirement, and start living today.
Richard M. Grove, President of Hidden Book Press
The Poetry of Business is unique, energetic and stimulating. Tracy has taken her experiences as an entrepreneur and transformed them into a magical poetic journey.
I realized that for every person I help along their journey, it helps me more.
I needed to find out if there was a test for a dream career without using one size fits all questions or self help subliminal and hypnosis techniques. You can’t learn anything if you’re put to sleep, I needed to help people WAKE UP! Teaching personal growth and motivation is all well and good, but going deeper is where we will find that creation_is_truth.
Harness the power within you!
From a desire to dream until one ended up where they really wanted to be, “The Poetry of Business” was born.
The Poetry of Business takes my twenty years of experience as the owner of 6 companies, and combines it with quick poetry lessons, insight exercises, author moments, and humorous illustrations to empower you to discover the answers within yourself.
The Poetry of Business
The Poetry of Business opens up a new way to work from the inside
Just imagine transforming your life by…
doing what you want, when you want, where you want
realizing things you gave up on long ago — the dream house, the fabulous car, the brand-new kitchen, time with the kids — are attainable
having tons of time for yourself, your family, your goals
being inspired to start your next adventure
having an imagination with an unlimited ability to make dreams a reality
finding out who you really are
And best of all, the book doesn’t tell you how to do it, or what to do.
Reading the poems, relating to the stories, seeing yourself from another perspective, this will help you to work on the inside, from outside of yourself.
Hopes and dreams start to unfold as easily as starting a japanese company to painting murals on fences, because if you were meant to do it, you will have all the skills, enthusiasm, and motivation just waiting to emerge.
In a culture that can be about money, money, more for me – Isn’t it time to take control of your life story, and get the job you really want?
Witness life-changing results…
Things will just go your way, you’ll run into the right people, the information you need will appear at your finger tips and you’ll recognize opportunities that are meant for you.
At my very first poetry event I met the president of a poetry organization, and was elected National Coordinator for all of Canada.
Thoughts will produce an unlimited ability to make something so
I created a postulate (positive thought with intention), that I wanted to go to Los Angeles with my movie, and meet the right people. Within 2 weeks I had a flight booked (with points), found a friend from an internet group I belonged to that invited me to stay at her place, and after spending 2 days in a script writing workshop that cost me $10 USD, I met a director and producer. My next step was in place.
Build your own ultimate life and achieve total fulfillment
Life is called a working installation. I am building it everyday. With my pen, and my postulates, I use the desires of living my purpose to build the life I dreamed of. Total fulfillment came naturally from that.
Rediscover your unique skill to live and play in abundance
Everyone has skills, a purpose, dreams, probably many. You don’t have to have just one. I know I don’t. I want to be a best-selling author, screenwriter, poet laureate, Nobel prize winning, entrepreneur that helps others achieve their dreams, in a way that automatically fulfills mine, across all the 8 dynamics of life – self, creativity, group, humanity, life forms, universe, spirit, infinity. Seems like a good purpose to me. Have you launched your big dreams lately? The wider you cast your net, the more you will bring in. So REACH far. The only one stopping you now, is you.
Sense of knowing your are living your life on purpose
As beings, we have a natural tendency to survive, and desire to achieve our objectives. When you aren’t doing that, your environment gets messy, your moods roller coaster, you become impatient, frustrated, blame others and eventually live on automatic going through the motions. And most of all, you’re not happy. How do you know? When was the last time you almost peed yourself laughing because life was so enjoyable? When you are living on purpose, you fill with such pleasure and ecstasy that a flow of energy sweeps your body until you experience pure joy, and lots of laughter. Life loses its self-imposed seriousness. I laughed so hard at a friends place, that she said for weeks later she could still hear it when she passed the spot. That is when you know you’re on purpose.
Trust in the clarity of your decisions
As a woman I often felt inferior in the board room to begin with, let alone confident enough to let my voice be heard. What if I was wrong? But with the trust in myself restored, after all, I ran multiple companies, diapered 3 children and juggled their schedules on top of mine, I became confident that my decisions were accurate, and it became my duty to share my knowledge with others.
Achieve inner peace while being productive
When I reduced the noise, the chaos, the news, the gossip, identified people that were suppressing me and my desires, my voice became much louder in my own mind, and this brought me peace. Doing what I wanted, knowing I was needed, fulfilling my destiny, everything I did became productive.
So many amazing things happen, you find yourself wondering whose life you walked into, and pinching yourself to make sure this is real
Ouch, that hurt! Yep, it’s real!
If I can run 6 companies with just myself and my husband;
Bravo Software Group, InnerSurf International, InnerSurf Publishing, Canadian Federation of Poets, Poetry Canada Magazine, DOCNOT Gallery
that all revolve around business, intuition, intuitive consulting, volunteering, plus take care of my three children as I do all of this
Unleash the energy to become YOUR best, not just the best.
From the first poem that speaks to you, you will see how this book fits into your immediate life.
The power has been granted to all of us!
We can call it whatever we want, team Building, Mines Field, compounding success theory buffet, visualization or relaxation research, whatever you have heard, but the bottom line is it all comes down to you!
If you are the creator of what happens to you, wouldn’t you rather be the director rather than simply watching the movie?
Discover the answers that are true to you!
Page after page, you’ll enjoy the humour and real examples of everyday experiences and be enlightened and amused with poems such as:
Monday’s always screw up my Sunday
I think the corporate ladder is broken
In the beat of the jungle, I feel like an ape
Commuters Congo
Bored Room
Midlife crisis
All my friends are Millionaires
Use the power of thought and imagination from over 60 poems that will take you on a journey until it is a Brisbane massage happy ending for everyone.
Over 160 pages of poetry, insight exercises, lessons, author moments where I share my personal stories with you, 41 illustrations, dream launching techniques, and my experiences as an entrepreneur, mother, wife, and someone who wants everyone to have what I do is only… $19.95 US
For the cost of a decadent dessert and a glass of wine you can start your journey and become the author of your own life and gain the benefits of having more energy, greater enthusiasm, inner peace, more appreciation for yourself and others, an unlimited ability to make something so, a sense of knowing, belonging, harmony, balance, and live your life on purpose.
Go ahead…. Trust yourself!
and if you act today, I will include 3 bonus reports for free.
Your 3 FREE bonus reports include:
Bonus #1: Your workbook for Success. A PDF ebook that asks you a series of questions to help you identify and eliminate success and failure factors to help you achieve your dreams.
Bonus #2: How to get a Job. A PDF ebook that has 57 tactics for career planning and job hunting success that you can use in conjunction with the unlocking your destiny power of The Poetry of Business
Bonus #3: Land the job that’s right for you. A FREE Job Opportunity Evaluation Kit to help you evaluate job opportunities and job offers by considering which job satisfaction factors are most important to you — monetary factors, job content factors, stress factors, fit factors, or company environment factors. The kit also includes additional career resources to help you with your job search.
You’ll be able to obtain a job that meets your needs, and determine what’s truly important to you in a job by using the helpful checklists included in this kit.
My 20 years of experience is yours Risk-Free!
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Finally, let me repeat what most of us forget in our day to day lives. We all have dreams, we are entitled to them, and we don’t have give them up. You know you want something more, it’s time to take the steps to get it.
By reading the book, doing the exercises, you can discover your dreams. So dont continue to wait for the right time; I guarantee you wont find it.
Three Ways To Place Your Risk-Free Order
Please contact us directly if you are interested in getting the Poetry of Business. It’s non longer shipped through Amazon
We want you to get what you want, the way you want to get it!
Keep in mind that when you use our order form on our Secure Server, we email you the PDF within 5 minutes so you can start getting the life you want today. If you order with our other order form or via phone, the PDF and 3 free reports will be emailed to you within two business days.
Plus, in addition to your 3 free reports and money-back guarantee, as an added bonus, I will also let you ask me one question about anything, business, marriage, kids, spirituality, travel, self discovery, and I will personally answer and help you get moving into the next phase of your life!
I look forward to hearing from you. Let me know what you discover about your self, your life, and your destiny. Enjoy the journey!
Yours Sincerely,

Tracy Lynn Repchuk
Author, poet, entrepreneur

P.S. Remember this bonus offer expires soon so order now so you can get started on discovering your true path, and receive the 3 free reports, yours to keep even if you feel the book isn’t for you. Also, this book may sell out quickly, so be sure you get your copy without any delays!
P.P.S. As a purchaser of The Poetry of Business, you get to ask me any question you want and I’ll do my best to help you move towards your destiny, and I will also send you 2 personal favorite reports of mine – “10 Things they never tell you when you start to work … and Why!”, and “Turning Passion into Profit – how to make money doing something you love”. All free, and yours to keep.
P.P.P.S. I will also offer a custom version of the book you can buy that contains your logo and message on a full page right at the beginning of the book. You can make it a special gift for clients, a membership incentive, or as a token of appreciation for your staff. Give them a gift that’s timeless, and let everyone know you care about yourself, and them. Contact InnerSurf Publishing directly for this offer (Phone: 416.694.6347) or if you purchase and register I will send this information directly to you with the other free reports.